Frequently asked questions.

How to schedule a mediation?

Step one: Using the online calendar, find a mutually agreeable:

  1. Mediation date (typically held Tuesday - Friday at 9:00 a.m.); and a

  2. Joint pre-mediation attorney conference call one week before the mediation (typically held on a Monday).

  3. Once the parties have conferred and agreed upon both dates, then proceed to Step two.

  • If there are time sensitive circumstances that require a date or time not listed, then feel free to request a special accommodation.

Step two: Prior to booking, you will need the following information to enter into the mediation intake form that will pop up once you select a date/time:

  • Case name and number(s)

  • Attorney for claimant

  • Attorney for defense

  • Name of Employer and Insurer/TPA

  • Manner of mediation: In-person (at a location chosen by the parties), fully remote (via Zoom), or hybrid.  If hybrid, then please indicate which parties will be participating in which manner (i.e. Party A will be via phone or Zoom while Party B will be in-person).  

  • Party responsible for payment of the mediation fee.

Step three: Once the two dates (mediation and attorney conference call) have been requested, then a confirmation letter will be sent to the parties to confirm the dates and process for submitting materials within 24-48 hours.

What is mediation?

Mediation is a confidential process in which a neutral third party will help the parties reach a mutually agreeable settlement. Oregon law and administrative rules define and explain mediation. ORS 36.110(5) and OAR 438-019-000(1) describe the voluntary process to resolve a workers’ compensation dispute. In workers’ compensation, mediation is voluntary and not a required process prior to proceeding to formal litigation.

In what circumstance is mediation a good option?

When parties need assistance in better understanding the complex arena of workers’ compensation benefits or desire a neutral and unbiased perspective on their dispute, then mediation is likely a good avenue.